Monday 29 September 2008

Antenatal class

the perfect house wife, haha

I decided to take out my sewing machine today and alter a pair of maternity trousers that I think are too wide. I am running out of options for trousers that fit me nowadays and I refuse to buy more maternity clothes as that there are only a few weeks left now..

Other than that, I have now finally booked an ante natal class which I've been meaning to do for some time. I just couldn't postpone it any longer. It's weird.. sometimes it's like I'm in denial, that I am not pregnant at all and all the baby clothes laying around here are for someone else's child and that I am not gonna experience what will probably be the most traumatic time in my life in a few weeks, i.e. child birth..It's time I face the truth and start preparing properly for THE big day.

This class is called Prepare4birth - the Scandinavian way - which is a one-day workshop for both me and Bear. It is being held at the Scandinavian kitchen in central London.

It is a prenatal workshop for expectant parents which emphasises on the birth partner having a very good knowledge of how to support the woman in labour. It's run by two Swedish women who are both certified doulas, doula trainers, registered nurses and have diplomas in Professional Relaxation Therapy. Unfortunately it's not until 25 October and I hope that Sean is not in a hurry to arrive before then! :-)

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