Wednesday 17 September 2008

It's grumpy corner here this morning

Today I'm wearing top & trousers, both Gap maternity, scarf H&M L.O.G.G. Kids, brown suede loafers from Gucci

Just been on the phone to Hewlett Packard re my laptop which I handed in last week for repair for the second time (for the same problem; OVERHEATING) since it was bought in December last year.
Not only do they keep it for approx 10 days at a time (am currently using my old one which feels like it's from the stone age despite it only being 3 years old!), they replace the hard drive which means all my stuff is wiped off it. Not that I haven't backed it up but its just all the hassle that comes with it.....
Anyhow, they are now saying that the letter P is loose and they will charge £265 to fix it as they'll have to replace the whole keyboard. Are they insane? It should still be protected under the one year warranty but they claim it doesnt cover hard ware problems! Grrrrrrrrrrrr!!! Ive had nothing but problems with that laptop since I bought it so I think it's a disgrace by HP to moan about fixing the letter P as a nice gesture for me. I'm so writing to Trading Standards...

Off to Oxford street now for some Sean Shopping to cheer myself up. Might just treat myself to a Frappuccino as well! :-) Will post pics of anything I might buy. See you later! Puss puss


  1. Tack för kommentaren! Väntar du barn, alltså? Första? Spännande, Grattis! =) När är det beräknat? (Hoppas jag inte missuppfattat nu så att du inte är gravid egentligen)

  2. Tack så mycket för den snälla kommentaren på min sida! :D
    Kul att hitta hit, till en svenska i London där jag själv bott. Känner igen det där med när det blir fel och man dessutom ska betala för deras misstag! Tycker jämt det var så i London, men som tur är lönar det sig ofta att klaga.
