Thursday 11 September 2008


Good morning! Or not such a good morning in fact. I woke up at 5.30am from pain in my ribs and severe heartburn. . Sean must have moved as I'm now being kicked in the ribs, not the bladder!
I have found though, that Tesco's own brand indigestion tabs are far more effective than Gaviscon for me, so i have a side order of peppermint tablets with my breakfast - tasty! (not)
Sympathy goes out to all pregnant women out there with heartburn, leg cramps, back and rib ache... Will now call my mum which is a part of my daily routine (just saw her come online on msn so I know she's up), and will later go back to bed with my ipod and listen to a meditation podcast. Bye for now! Puss puss

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