Wednesday 24 September 2008

Today's outfit

Today I'm wearing white long sleeved top H&M, beige parka with hood from Primark, topshop jeans, ballerina shoes form LK Bennett and handbag from Prada.

lounging in Ama's kitchen

Irresistable! Who-the dog or Ama? You decide for yourselves! ;-)

Bear dropped me off at Ama's this morning at 8am as he was driving past there anyway, going to a workshop/seminar in Berkshire.

We had breakfast and were hanging out in her kitchen, she booked her trip to Monaco (lucky her!) for Friday and at one point I dozed off on her sofa! Exciting, eh? :-)
I am so extremely tired these days and the only explanation I have is being pregnant, but I guess we'll have to wait and see the result from the blood test. It might show that I have amenia or am iron deficient..

She later persuaded me to go for a walk which I'm glad we did, because I haven't had much exercise lately. On our walk I saw this irresistable dog and by the owner's permission, I took a picture. Isn't it gorgeous?? Doesn anyone know the specific breed?

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