Monday 22 September 2008

Wearing my new jacket - I'm loving it but can't do the zip up cos of my expanding belly.

Here are pics from yesterday's trip me and Bear did to the Lido Cafe. I forgot my camera so had to use my phone instead but it worked quite well.
The Lido cafe is located in Hyde Park, and has great views over the Serpentine lake and a stunning outdoor terrace and great facilities. It's entirely civilised and, as the restaurant is licensed for alcohol, you can enjoy a glass of white wine with your salmon salad. I however, had a tomato soup to start with followed by a warm goat cheese salad and Bear had a pizza and we both had coffee.
This evening I'm going for my antenatal appointment. This will be the first time in three weeks, but I will now start going every two weeks, and nearer the end I will go every week.
My consultant weighs me, test my urine for any sugar or protein, listens to Sean's heartbeat and tells me the position he is in.
I am really excited to go there but it's almost as surprising everytime I'm being reminded I've got another human being inside me, it's so weird and unreal....
Will post update of that later. Now it's breakfast time. Bye Bye X

1 comment:

  1. satt och skrålla ner för att hitta en bild på magen, och fann en, super fin!!! Kul att du hittade till min blogg, hoppas du kommer igen..Hur som helst, lycka till med er bebispojke, det är det finaste och största som kan hända er, att bli föräldrar!!massa lycko önskningar/Johanna
