Thursday 23 October 2008

Autumn Glory

Yesterday my friend Jenny came by. She stayed nearly three hours but it's amazing how time flies when you're having fun, haven't seen each other for a long time and when you have lots to talk about!

Incidentally, she has introduced me "electronically" to two Swedish girls in London who recently had babies, whereof one girl is coming round here today. :-)

Feeling quite happy this morning despite the lack of sleep. Looking outside and seeing the falling yellow leaves... Isn't this Season fantastic?

the brilliant display of colours

I enjoy the happy medium between freezing and hot; cool

Soups - I could live on soups. and a crusty baguette

A nice cup of Chai while curled up with Bear (and soon Sean, whoopee!) on the sofa with our cosy blanket after a long day

being able to curl up in a warm sweater without boiling, and with a good book in one hand and a hot cup of chocolate in the other

the crisp mornings

a proper excuse to wear one of all my silly pairs of slippers/UGG-type shoes

boots - You can never have enough pairs of boots. Soft, supple, go with anything, boots.

The evenings that are chilly enough to light lots of candles everywhere (but not cold enough to put on the central heating).

Sleeping with the windows open and laying in some mornings with Bear, snuggling under a few duvets

Now I'll make a bowl of porridge and watch the news. Hope you too are all having a lovely "I-love-Autumn-day today. Hugs and Loves,

1 comment:

  1. Hejsan
    Allt är bara bra här, ser att lillen växer på! Wow, det börjar närma sig, måste va pirrigt och himla spänande!
    Visst har det blivigt höst på riktigt, underbara bilder.
