Tuesday 21 October 2008

Birth Plan

Good morning! Today I got up at 6.30am with Bear, who is now at the gym.

My ante natal appointment yesterday went fine. My doctor felt my stomach and Sean and said "he is not a small baby"! Help! haha. Well good, that means I've been feeding him well.

He said that I'm doing very well and that this pregnancy has gone very smooth. We then spoke about my wishes for the birth and this is what my birth plan looks like:


I Want laxative when arriving at the ward

I want a mattress on the floor

I don't want students or inexperienced staff in my room


Because of my big fear of the delivery, I would like to have big support from the midwife.

(although my partner will be there throughout)

I want the midwife to give me A LOT OF INFORMATION about what is happening


I do not want to give birth without any pain relief. My wishes are to get an epidural as soon as possible. I would also like to try the gas and air, and I will use an electric heating pad (bring my own)


I wish to give birth upright (squat/edge of bed/kneel against my partner who is sitting on a chair)

I do not wish to have an episiotomy

CESAREAN: If I need emergency Cesarean, I would like my partner present at all times


I wish for my partner to cut the umbilical cord (which then should be kept for research purposes or used for the stem cells)

I want my son to be dried before given to me

I want an injection to help contract my womb and speed up placenta delivery

I want to start breast feeding straight away

Has anyone got any tips on what to add? Grateful for any advise. Thanks!

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