Sunday 12 October 2008

Exploring Oxford

'Ello!!! Got back from beautiful Oxford last night. It was a real treat to go away, with the due date so near, and boy were we lucky with the fantastic weather (we ended up driving with the roof down all the way there).

We had dinner at the hotel on Friday evening then walked around checking out the buidling and it's different prison wings (a little creepy actually) .

We then just spent the rest of the evening in our room cosying up in bed and enjoying our last weekend away before Sean comes.

On Saturday we decided to do the tourist thing and jumped on a open top double decker bus with a guided tour around the town, before heading for Biscester Village, the designer outlet place.

Being several sizes bigger than normal, it was real torture not being able to buy any clothes (or even shoes for that matter with my swollen feet) surrounded with so many nice shops AND with discounted prices. Unfortunately I didnt find a nappy bag for the pram either, so we came back to London empty handed, but happy and relaxed from our mini-break.

our suite
the bathroom

bathroom goodies

having a laugh
in the lobby
hotel brekkie
exploring a different part of the hotel, the C-wing with the old prison cells

sitting on my throne ;-)
in front of the hotel, Saturday morning
city sightseeing
heading back to London

1 comment:

  1. Det ser jätte trevligt ut! Underbart att få mysa ihop innan lilla bebben kommer.
    Ha det fint!
