Thursday 16 October 2008

Karate Kid and pig's trotters

It's a strange feeling knowing that there's a life growing inside you...strange, exciting and yes...very very scary!!! It's the first time I am totally responsible for another human being and a defenseless one at that...and that honestly scares the s---t out of me!

I was so scared at the beginning that i would almost look in the mirror and try and convince myself that I was just putting on yet some more weight...a trick that just doesn't work anymore, now that my stomach is assaulted at all times of the day and night with my baby's movements. They were just flutters in the beginning but has now turned in to full fledged kicks!

But I do love feeling the little one move...and judging by his moves, he is a little Karate Kid, my Sean :-) Nowadays it can really hurt, but I must say it's reassuring to say the least, and it makes me smile every time! Oh I really long for him so much... :-)

Oh, and I was not a happy bunny this morning after learning that my feet may stay swollen for about four to eight weeks after the delivery!!!! And there was me thinking it goes away IMMEDIATELY after the cord is cut? That means I could have piggy trotters for another 2 months or more? How am I going to get my Santa boots on for Xmas???? ;-)

Over to a brighter note, much brighter in fact. Look at these lovelies...bright orange roses that adds a touch of colour to our living room. Don't you just love flowers and what they can do to you?

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