Thursday 30 October 2008

No joy

making scrambled eggs this morning

And so my trouble free nights are over.. I've been awake since 4am and am not the happiest bunny. I have contractions which are painful but way too far apart to even think I'm close to labour starting, and my feet are so swollen that no shoes fit me and I'm starting to develop dark circles under my eyes.

The slightest set-back will have me in tears and I'm currently uber-clingey with Bear. Feeling sorry for him who has to put up with me right now but I am so grateful to have him.
At my lowest point this morning he offered to stay at home today although of course I told him no. He did however stay home and comfort me until as late as 10.30am.

I was meant to see Susanna and Alfie at 12 today but that I unfortunately had to cancel as I'm in no mood to see anyone. Thankfully it wasn't that long ago that she was pregnant so if anyone understands me fully now it's her. Will try and see them tomorrow instead.

The whole nesting thing which is supposed to have kicked in by now, seems to have passed me by entirely - I've had no desire to do any major housework at all, although I did manage to make scrambled eggs for Bear this morning. That was the least I could do for him as a thank you for being there for me and telling me the right things at the right time. I want Sean to come now, I've had it with this pregnancy. So pls my little treasure, my little baby boy, come NOW, or I don't know how I'll cope!!!!!

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