Saturday 25 October 2008

Prepare for birth - course

Today is the day I've been waiting for, for such a long time ( and praying Sean wont be arriving before then). Me and Bear are going on a day's course to prepare for the birth - "the Scandinavian way" as they say.

We've sort of left it till the last minute (they recommend going to ante natal courses around 28-30 weeks, but I'm now 37 weeks), so I will undoubtedly be the biggest one there.

It is held by two Swedish midwives and it's been recommended to me. I don't know how many other couples will attend, but I'm hoping Bear will interact with other men there. I think it will be good for him to meet and talk with men who also have got pregnant partners.

This pregnancy has been a lot about me, but today I'm hoping we will focus a lot about him too, how important his support have been and will be, how I wouldn't have done it so far with out him and I'm also hoping he will learn that despite him feeling helpless and useless during my pregnancy, just how valuable his presence will be.

It lasts all day and at the end of it we have decide to go out for dinner somewhere local. Will report back tomorrow with details of everything. Can't help but feeling a little nervous ( I know, silly, eh?), so wish us good luck!!! :-)

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