Sunday 5 October 2008

Preparing for child birth

The Lindo Wing in central London (only 5 mins taxi ride from home)

Yesterday we went for the labour ward tour at the Lindo Wing where I'll give birth.

There were three other couples there. All three women were at very early stages of their pregnancies, just as I was the first time I was there, before deciding were I want to give birth to Sean.

We looked at the labour ward and at one room that was empty (they have only 6 rooms in total). To my joy I noticed not only that there is air-condition in the room but also one fan right above the head.:-) The toilet had a shower and a bath although there are no birthing pools as they explained nearly all women who chose to have their baby there will have an epidural as they arrive.

We also looked at the post-natal room where I'll stay between 1-4 nights depending on how everything goes. The room was very nice and had one spare bed for the partner to stay over night too. :-)

Last but not least they showed us the nursery where we can leave Sean over night so that I'll get some sleep, although I'm finding it difficult to imagine I'm gonna want to let him out of my sight!

Today me and Bear are laying in bed reading "the complete guide to childbirth for dads" together, and we will later watch last nights repeat of x- factor. It's raining and miserable in London today and we have no plans what so ever to step outside. Oh, and the central heating is coming on today! Puss

A very good read

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