Monday 13 October 2008

Swedish mums-to-be gathering

Yesterday was a busy day. My sweet friend and old flatmate, Susanne, came by in the morning for coffee. She brought cinnamon twirls for us and we had a good two hours catch up, and she got to see the “stomach before it disappears” as she put it. :-)

Later on at 1pm I met up with Susanna (also Swedish, with baby boy Alfie who’s four months) and we went to see three other mums-to-be. Triinu(37 weeks), Sara (23 weeks) and Viktoria (29 weeks).

They all live in London, are between 25-33yrs old, and they are all very different but very lovely, and perhaps we wouldn't have been getting together if we weren't pregnant, but that doesn’t matter in the slightest, as we do have this one main thing in common; we are all carrying a little life in our bellies!

It’s very nice to meet women in similar circumstances and to be able to moan about the various problems that come with pregnancy, and also being able to talk nappies, breastfeeding and nipple massaging etc! And no doubt will therebe plenty of that once Sean is born..

I have looked up various playgroups and have signed up for one in particular here in Marylebone (which has an approx three months waiting list). I will also look in to baby massage and baby yoga as well, which Susanna is already doing.


  1. Hej! Vad roligt att du tittade förbi och lämnade en kommentar. Har läst igenom din blogg nu och den är verkligen supermysig. Måste säga att du verkligen tillhör den där fantastiska skaran med gravida kvinnor som det bara skiner om, gratulerar! Ser fram emot att följa den sista delen av din graviditet, alla söta baby-kläder och till slut få se det lilla underverket. Hälsningar Caroline

  2. Hej! Hittade din blog, roligt att lasa om nagon med samma "problem" som sjalv.. =) Och det var kul att ses i sondags.
    Kram, Triinu
