Friday 21 November 2008

Christmas lights up London

Sparkly lights at St.Christopher's Place

Good Morning, Friday! Another night with on and off contractions, but no baby... Now I'm nearly a week overdue and I'm not sure I can bare any more comments such as "Oh you're still pregnant? When will you have that baby?" ..

Last night my mum did some reflexology on me which we will do again today, and we then made ham and cheese crepes with the leftover pancakes from the other day. Today me and mum are tidying the flat and she will then go for an 80 minute deep tissue massage at the Elizabeth Arden Spa in Mayfair. I'm not envious oh no...

I know it wasn't long since I posted pics of Selfridges window decorations, but yesterday when I was out and about with mum, I noticed they have already changed! Here are some of the newly decorated ones:

Santa doing the laundry
Santa taking the tube

Santa gets a beard trim


  1. Hi Cat. Linda here (frasers partner)
    bear with these last days / hours. all those contractions are doing their job and getting baby Sean on his way. it can be hard to not see more progress but it will be worth it. rest up, get your sleep, pamper and get ready. it sound like he wont be long now!

  2. Vilken evig väntan! Jag håller alla mina tummar och tår för att det ska sätta igång naturligt för dig, och det snart!!
