Monday 3 November 2008

Daylight saving and Monday morning brekkie

Good morning! Woke up to complete darkness today, which made me think about daylight saving. I absolutely do not like it. It's fine, I'm sure, if you're up in Scotland, but I am not! I'm down here! When it's October and getting dark at four o'clock, it's so depressing. We should go back to what they did in the war, when they had British double summer time! :-) Put the clocks forward two hours in the summer so they are still one hour ahead of GMT in the winter :-)

I'm now expecting a visitor. Cecilia, with whom I used to live here in London a few years ago. She met an Australian guy, fell in love, emigrated to Oz, had a daughter and settled there. She is now in London on holiday and were are having breakfast together. Will be great to catch up! :-) Going to my doctor later to check all is ok with the pregnancy. Have a happy Monday! Puss.

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