Wednesday 26 November 2008


It's now been confirmed that I'm going in to the Lindo Wing tomorrow to be induced. Well that's if nothing happens tonight of course. I'm very very scared, nervous but excited at the same time.
It can take up to 12 hours to just get the labour starting so I'm guessing that by Friday night or at least on Saturday I will be holding baby Bear in my arms. I'm not sure how I will be able to sleep tonight but Bear and I are both going to bed early to try and get lots of rest in preperation for the big day. Good night, all. Wish me good luck! PUSS PUSS


  1. Lycka till gumman! :D

  2. ah.. a peaceful night of sleep... how this posting will be something you'll look back upon with envy. :)
    puss puss indeed! xo
    bon courage.

  3. Stort lycka till nu!

  4. Massor av lycka till! Tänker på er och håller tummarna.

  5. Kram från Fia med familj ska det senaste var ju1 :-)
