Thursday 13 November 2008

Starbucks and an Independent Financial Advice Award for Bear

I went for a treat at my local Starbucks today (which I then had with a whole bunch of Swedish Ginger Snaps that I bought in Ikea yesterday- yum..) To make my experience there a little different today I decided to order really fast. I asked for a "double –tall –wet – skinny –caramel- latte" in that really fast way that only Starbucks employees can understand . What happened?
They completely understood me and shouted the double-tall-wet –skinny- caramel -latte to the back and I got my coffee in a really speedy-starbucksy-coffee-shop kind of way. Im telling you, its like a new, albeit unusable, language. Haha!

Other than that, Bear just called and told me that his company has won the "Gold Standard Award for Independent Financial Advice" which he has to pick up at the House of Commons on 25 November! From what I understand, the standard of entries was very high and I'm really proud of his achievement. Well done my love!

Bear, (pic from his company brochure), who I'm madly in love with and am so proud of

1 comment:

  1. you know.. i'm pretty sure i've seen this photo somewhere in some newspaper or magazine before (!) just cant figure out where. but it's definitely a corporate magnate type photo.
    Hi Dad-to-be... too bad i didn't get a chance to meet you last month when I was visited Cat.
    Enjoy the not-so-littel bundle of joy!
