Thursday 4 December 2008

Additional patience

My jewel

Good morning! Hope you've slept well, cause I know I certainly haven't. Baby Bear slept through most of the day yesterday and decided to wake up at 1am. I don't know how many times I've breastfed him hoping it would put him to sleep, but with no luck. By 6(!)am he finally feel asleep on my chest. But one mustn't grumble.. I take one look at my son and forget all about sleep.

I have a theory, and I believe that I am on to something here……I’m certain that when you give birth to your first child you are awarded with an area in your brain called ‘additional patience’. This is a wonderful thing, as if we all had the same amount of patience we had prior to giving birth then all manner of havoc would ensue.

Today is a beautiful day in London and therefore no excuse to stay indoors despite feeling knackered. I am waiting for the window cleaner to appear, then mum and I will walk to Kilburn High Street, where I'm hoping to pick up loads of bargains. Have a great day! XOXO

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