Friday 12 December 2008

Flowers and random ramblings

Long stem roses from Bear

I've just about managed to squeeze in to my old jeans! :-)

Firstly, I want to thank Bear for the beautiful long stem roses he bought me yesterday. He knows' I'm a bit vulnerable (mainly about what's happening with Sean and his cramps) at the moment and wanted to cheer me up. Every girl loves flowers and I am no exception to the rule, so thank you darling! I love you :-)

Other than that, we didn't manage to find a Christmas tree to our liking yesterday, so we are still on the look out for one. We are planning to pop down to M& S on Oxford Street over the weekend to see if they have started selling trees there.

Today we went to the health clinic to weigh Sean as I've been worried he is not keeping enough of the milk I'm feeding him, as he is vomiting on and off. To my joy, he has put on weight and has gained a healthy 700gram since his birth!

Tonight will be the first time since my baby was born, that I will be away from him for more than 20 mins (except for when I leave him with Mum every morning between 7-10am to catch up on some sleep that I lost in the night).

Bear and I are hitting town later for dinner and drinks, and Mum will be baby sitting. We will only be away for a couple of hours but it will be nice to have some quality time just the two of us, without having to think of messy nappies etc.

Posting pic of me in my old jeans that I was wearing prior to becoming pregnant - whoopee! I'm yet to weigh myself because I have decided not to think about weight or loosing any until after the Holidays. Have a great weekend - I can't wait to get dressed up, blow dry my hair and make myself pretty for Bear (and myself) this eve. PUSS

1 comment:

  1. Jaa jag förstår att du är lycklig med din lilla gosse, måste vara en underbar känsla att äntligen få klämma, pussa & känna på den lilla! Verkligen längtar nu.. men de känns ju inte som om de närmar sig nåt alls ju! :( Tiden går ju så sakta när man längtar efter nåt.. :P

    Ja men förtusan, kika in vettja! :D
    Blir nog ingen bäse i år kanske? BF är ju den 23e dec.. :S

