Monday 22 December 2008

Swedish Santa & x-mas card from Bear

Afternoon! Baby Bear was waking up on and off until 6am, because of his stomach cramps. We then both slept until 12pm today! Help.... half day is gone, and there was me thinking I'll be up early and out of the flat before noon, to go last minute x-mas shopping.

He hasn't had any poo in his nappy since Thursday and I really wished I saw some this morning - that must be a first - wanting messy nappies!haha!

I called my health visitor and she said it's perfectly normal for infants who breast feed not to poo for up to a week, but that I can drink a small glass of freshly squeezed orange juice in the mornings, which should do the trick! Watch this space.

Ending today's post with attaching a card that my darling Bear has sent me, and also by shattering the myth that all Swedish men are love gods..... giving you "Swedish Santa" LOL!

Christmas card received in the post from Bear which reads:

"For the one who shares my life - Since we met you have made my life one ongoing happy one, full of joy and bliss. Catharina; I wanted you to know that I still cannot believe how lucky I was to find you. Being in your arms is where I want to be. Happy Christmas, With all my love at Christmas, and forever - Bear xxx"

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