Monday 5 January 2009

Happy bunny! :-)

Today's outfit black cashmere v neck jumper, pink-grey kilt and black patent boots

I can't begin to tell you how my spirit has been uplifted! Today I am a such a happy bunny! Last night was one of the best one since Baby Bear was born! :-) Between 12am - 7.45am he only woke up ONCE(!) at 4am, had NO STOMACH CRAMPS(!) and he fell asleep again, straight after I fed him! What is happening? Is his digestive system getting better?
Will be back later and write more about it, but now my brother, Susanna and her son Alfie are on their way here. We are going for a walk to Queesways' shopping centre, Whiteleys where I'm hoping to pick up something nice in the sale. Have a great day! XOXO

1 comment:

  1. åhh. ser att du som jag har vågat satsa på en helvitvagn!

    bra jobbat!!! =)
