Wednesday 7 January 2009

Scotland here we come!

Bear and I are taking baby Bear to Scotland tomorrow to meet his Scottish family. We will be travelling around staying with Bear's different relatives and the main event is a party in Sean's honor on Saturday. This will be his first time on an airplane so it's a little scary, but we are taking him in a baby carrier rather than bringing the pram. Oh, and whilst we are in there, we will also visit his grandmother who by the way will turn 103(!) in March.

The osteopath was great yesterday. They mainly worked on his stomach and diaphragm and he behaved so good the whole time. They noted that he smiles alot , and one of the ladies who examined him said "oh, he has got really big hands and feet - he will no doubt be very tall!" Oh yes, with a dad who is 6'3" and a granddad who is 6'6", he definitely will be!

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Pics from October 2007 which is the last time Bear and I went to Scotland,
as a duo and now we are a trio :-)


  1. Jaa det är helt fantastiskt att äntligen vara mamma, känslan är ju 100 ggr bättre än vad man kunde föreställa sig innan! :D Jag kan bara ligga & kika på Thea när hon sover, och känna mig stolt & nöjd!
    Och den långa väntan, jaa, de va värt varje sekund!! Hoppas allt är bra med dig & familjen! :) Kram Elin

  2. Oh I'm Scottish, how funny, I know all of these places!
