Wednesday 25 February 2009

30 big ones

Missing: The sun and being tanned (pic from our rented villa in Portugal in July last year, when I was 5 1/2 months pregnant)

1. Where is your mobile phone? In our utility room charging

2. Where is your significant other? gym

3. Your hair colour? Blonde

4. Your mother? Out for a walk

5. Your father? work

6. Your favourite thing? Sean

7. Your dream last night? Can’t remember

8. Your dream/goal? Ultimate happiness

9. The room you're in? Kitchen

10. Your interests? Cars, music, fashion clothes and everything regarding Sean and babies

11. Your fear? birds and to die alone

12. Where do you want to be in 6 years? In a house with a sea view

13. Where were you last night? At home

14. What you're not? perfect

15. One of your wish-list items? A house with a sea view

16. Where you grew up? South of Sweden

17. The last thing you did? Sterilised 180 ml of water for Sean’s upcoming feed

18. What are you wearing? A pink fleece gown

19. Your TV? Off

20. Your pets? None yet

21. Your computer? HP laptop

22. Your mood? energetic

23. Missing? the sun
24. Your car? In garage

25. Something you're not wearing? Knickers and bra

26. Favourite store? Selfridges

27. Your favourite colours? Pink

28. When is the last time you laughed? This morning, at Baby Bear

29. Last time you cried? When Baby Bear was vaccinated

30. Today's plans? meeting my brother Erik, buying warm outfit for Sean to wear in Colorado and watch new episodes of Desperate Housewives that start this evening

1 comment:

  1. Tack så jättemycket för infon från din bror, supersnällt! Ska ta mig en titt på den sidan då :) Och ännu en gång, gillar din blogg, hamnar i favoriterna ;)
