Wednesday 4 February 2009

Colorado - Here we come! :-)

We are taking Baby Bear with us on a skiing holiday in Colorado in March

It's now finalised, Bear and I decided on where to go on our next holiday with Baby Bear, and we opted for a skiing hol in Colorado instead of going to the Caribbean. The tickets now have arrived and we are both so excited!
We are going in mid March and we will be staying in Boulder with my very good Swedish girlfriend Boel and her family for a few days ,and then we are going to stay in a hotel in a ski resort (Aspen or Vail).

It 's a very long flight, approx 10 hours, and we have reserved a bassinet for Sean, which is like a moses basket. Hopefully he will be sleeping during most of the flight, and when he is not, I'll just feed him :-)

Yesterday I took Baby Bear to The Dorchester for afternoon tea. We met my friend Ama there, and we spent hours in style, just lounging on their luxurious sofas. I love the Dorchester (me and Bear also went there a couple of weeks ago for our anniversary). The staff there are amazing and the girl looking after us was so sweet. She really made sure Baby Bear was comfortable by bringing extra cushions and heated up his food etc. Below you'll find pics from there. Bye for now, XOXO

Baby Bear's first visit to hotel The Dorchester

Lounging on in style, on their comfy sofas

Ama who can't stay away from Baby Bear :-)

It's a nice walk back from the Dorchester, on London's Park Lane


  1. din lilla knodd e ju helt underbar han med!
    Men usch att de växer upp så fort.. jag vill att hon ska vara tiny nyfödding resten av livet. Ser redan nu att händer o fötter har börjat växa på den lilla saken.

    och du, snart kan du ju kanske ge dig på det hela igen! ;)

  2. Dit vill jag definitivt aka nasta gang.. ar kar i Nordamerikansk skidakning nu efter Kanada!!:) Ni kommer fa saaa mysigt och alla kommer alska lillen! :)
