Wednesday 11 February 2009

Good morning!

My two favourite boys in the whole world

Baby Bear and I woke up a little while ago but are still in bed. He is right next to me, so beautiful and content after I just fed him. He is just about to fall asleep again,
with his eyes open, and I can see his eyes staring like a zombie or rolling around in the sockets!

Bear left around 7.30am for a breakfast meeting at the Landmark hotel, but will be back afterwards as he is working from home today:-) We love to have him home as much as possible and every Wednesday when he works from home, is a luxury to us.

We had a really nice time on his birthday on Monday but had a last minute change of plan and went to Gordon Ramsay's Boxwood Cafe instead.

Main reason for that was because we weren't bringing the pram, and therefore needed a sofa seat to put Baby Bear on, as he is too small for a high chair. They had set aside a table with it's own round sofa for us, that was perfect. We had a three course meal and a fantastic wine to go with that. Baby Bear didn't make a single noise the whole time and made us really proud.

Yesterday I started to feel a bit woozy and sick in the morning, and by 2pm when Susanna and I went to the mother baby group at the Swedish church, I had to ask her to hold Sean so I could run to the toilet and vomit! Our visit there didn't last long, and I went back home to rest for the whole day, hence the lack of blogging. Thankfully I'm a lot better today and look forward to get going with my chores as I was in bed all day yesterday.

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