Saturday 14 February 2009

Happy Valentine's

We have just come home from spending a night at the Radisson Mayfair Hotel in Mayfair, central London. It was sheer indulgence with room service for dinner AND breakfast in bed! :-) Baby Bear really enjoyed a long bath with me and lot's of bubbles and despite that the hotel had organised a baby cot for Sean to sleep in, he slept in the "adult's bed", cause there is nothing nicer than feeling a baby's soft skin next to yours! :-)

I am not a huge fan of Valentine's day, sometimes it's just a little too commercial for me. I believe love should be shown everyday not just one day a year. That said, I don't dislike it either, and normally I quite look forward to picking a new restaurant to try for V's day dinner.

However, since we have an addition to our household now, we are slightly more limited of things to do this Valentine's, and seeing that we already went out on Monday celebrating Bear's birthday, we are in no rush to go out again and will therefore just stay in, put on our pj's, light lots of candles annd snuggle up on our sofa with our little baby Bear, watch a movie that I've downloaded called Tropic Thunder, eat biscuits and sip on lots of cups of tea.

Here are pics from the last few days. Have a nice day today and make sure to spread some luuuuv out there! XOXO

Having cake and coffee at the Scandinavian Kitchen with my friend Helen on Thursday

Baby Bear lounging on the hotel bed

Real comfort food- Spag bol - yummy

A newly bathed Baby Bear

See if you can spot Baby Bear's feet

A typical English Brekkie served with today's paper

1 comment:

  1. Tack för dina fina ord. Ja kärleken till ens barn är ju oändlig, känns ibland skönt att skriva ner den...den "väller" liksom över annars :o) Vilken fin familj du har, och oerhört söt liten son. Nu ska jag kika runt lite i din blogg. Ha en fortsatt trevlig helg!
    Kram från Sara-Mira
