Sunday 1 February 2009

Lazy wonderful weekend

Don't be fooled by the green plant in the background and my sunglasses - it's freezing in London today

I'm not waiting for a special occasion to wear my sexy over-the- knee boots - I have started to wear them casually, and a lot lately, as I love them so much!

Canteen is a very pram friendly restaurant on Baker Street

Bear quickly regretted that we chose a window seat as it was so drafty from the wind outside

What a lazy weekend we've had. But a really WONDERFUL lazy one, I've enjoyed every single minute. The three of us spent most of Saturday in our TV bed. watching several new episodes of American Idol, Rocknrolla (Guy Ritchie's latest movie), and some episodes of Ricky Gervais' "The Extras", with the exception of when I got up to make fish fingers and mash potatoes, which we also had IN BED! Pigs, I know! ;-)

And then, I had big plans for my Sunday afternoon. I was going to take my beautiful boys out for a long walk in Hyde Park for a change (we normally go to Regents Park)and take some new photos of Baby Bear. Of course, the skies had other plans; it's one of the coldest most bitter days I've experienced in London in a long time.

The thermostat shows it is just below zero, it was snowing lightly this morning and this afternoon it's very windy and with hail storms. So, I had to enter Plan B, which meant going for lunch at a local restaurant called Canteen, where we had a lamb stew followed by some coffee and a chocolate brownie with ice cream. Puss Puss, Happy Sunday!

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