Wednesday 18 February 2009

My beautiful baby boy

Good morning! Isn't it a lovely day today? The sun is shining brightly through our windows, and Bear is working from home :-) After I've finished blogging, Bear and I are taking Baby Bear for a walk around the park.

I just have to post these brand new pics of my darling baby boy, my treasure; Sean. He loves to make eye contact, he smiles in response to other people's smiles, and sometimes even vocalise his pleasure at seeing people he recognises, and amazingly enough, that simple interaction is still every bit as awe-inspiring!

He currently has got a bit of a reflux problem where he can easily lose a third of his lunch (or a third of his breakfast or his after dinner snack) if we don’t get him successfully upright and burped as quickly as possible, so it's not unusual for me or Bear to be seen with white stains on our jumpers, usually on our right shoulder which is where he leans his head when we burp or hold him.

Speaking of jumpers, I am today making it my mission to find a plain 100 % cashmere v-neck jumper with no label in the front or any visible stitches etc, for a maximum of £50. Will let you know how it went. Watch this space! :-)


  1. Hejsan
    Vilken harlig blogg du har och vilken underbar liten kille :) Jag ar sjalv 31 har bott har sedan 1999och hoppas snart fa min egen treasure med min engelske sambo, sa vi har en hel gemensamt :) Wonderful blog!

  2. Gud sa fin han ar :)

    Ang. cashemere jumpern sa skulle jag kora pa Uniqlo. De har valdigt bra cashmere, har flera koftor och trojor med 100% cashmere fran dom och jag ar valdigt imponerad av kvaliteen som annars kan vara lite samre vad galler 'billig' cashmere.

    Jag var sa dum att jag provade Primarks cashmere for nagra ar sen och den var inte bra.

    Anyway, test Uniqlos flag ship store pa Oxford Street (south side mellan Oxford Circus och Bond Street)

    Good luck! :)
