Friday 20 February 2009


This story has really touched me... A little innocent baby, 1 year old Thor, has been kidnapped. His Swedish mother Mia, who lives in LA, has been in a custody battle and only just recently won sole custody for Thor due to Andrew’s (the father) aggressions, the restraining order issued against him and the refusal to take care of his son.
Mia was finally given the green light by the court, to move to Sweden with Thor under the condition that she travelled to the States several times a , so Thor could have a relationship with his father.

A warrant has just been issued by a judge for Andrew's arrest. Mia just went to court and all of his rights as a parent has been stripped.The judge also demanded the police to find, arrest and charge Andrew with kidnapping.Thor has not seen his mother since Valentine’s and what makes this even worse is the fact that apparently Thor is still breastfeeding. He must be so scared and confused... My heart goes out to Mia and her family ♥

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