Sunday 1 March 2009

Bluebells and butterflies

Sunday morning at ours!

Earlier Bear popped out to get us fresh bagels, coffee and the Sunday papers as usual. I know..we're so predictable, but we like this routine! :-)

Note the beautiful roses in the background ,that I picked up from our local market yesterday - £3.50 (circa 45.00 SEK) for a dozen, not bad, eh?

So we have entered a new month today - We are now one step closer to turning the clocks one hour forward (at the end of March) and saying goodbuy to wintertime, yay!

I really look forward to Spring. It's such a wonderful time of the year. What I mostly like about it are the flowers, such as Bluebells, the cherry blossom on the trees and the sounds of singing birds outside your window. Oh, and not to be forgotten is the first butterfly emerging from its winterlong hibernation to inform us of Spring's approach.

I love the butterflies. To me they are a symbol of a new start, something fresh, being inspired to start NEW with many things, incl Spring cleaning, which for me includes clearing out my closet, including my knicker drawer (throwing away the ones I haven't used for 12 months) which I do every year.

Later we aim to find a car seat for Baby Bear so that we can all go for drives as the weather inproves.

Here I give you a little peak of Sean in our bed last night. Luv n kisses!!


  1. Laste ditt forra inlagg, ah vad fint! Tank om alla mammor vore som dig, da tror jag varlden skulle vara bra mycket battre :)


  2. Hej!!!

    Jätte söt bebis, ser ut som en riktig dröm=) Förstår att du måste vara stolt mamma=))

    Kika gärna in i min blogg och kommentera=))

    Have a nice sunday=))

    LOVE/// Lillis

  3. Stina: TACK for de jatte fina orden! Nej tyvarr ar det ju inte sa att alla mammor alskar sina barn, vilket ju for mig ar oforstaeligt! Kolla bara fallet om Baby P har i England, sa hemskt! xxx
