Friday 13 March 2009

TGIF (no I don't care that it's the 13th - stop going on about it!

These pictures are from today after I'd been to the hairdresser (whilst Mum looked after Baby Bear). I am really getting things done when Mum is here. Yesterday we spent hours clearing out our utility room, cleaning it, throwing away unused stuff and made space for Baby Bear's outgrown clothes.

I don't look particularly happy on those pics, I know - but believe me, I really am! I'm in good spirits today.

My brother and his boyfriend are coming over later and then we are all going out to celebrate my birthday in a nearby restaurant. Afterwards we will probably end up back here, have a few night caps, pick up the guitars and play and sing like we normally do. Even though my bday is not until Sunday, I have learnt the hard way ,that under no circumstances should one go out on the lash if you are travelling the next day.

All sorts of thing can go wrong if you do that, and I am not risking screwing up this trip by forgetting passports, important stuff for Sean or just feeling ill on an 10 hour long flight across the Atlantic.

Now I'm going to try and find an outfit for tonight. I'm thinking of my high healed pointed black leather boots with one tassel hanging from the back of each boot, a black military style cotton dress with a belt around the waist and lots and lots of bangles on my arm. Have a fab Friday evening. Mine couldn't get any better as I'll be surrounded by the people I love xxx


  1. Hoppas att ni har en underbart trevlig kväll! Du är jättesnygg i håret förresten.

  2. Grattis pa fodelsedagen!! xxx
