Thursday 13 August 2009

We're back!

Our new mobile playpen that we also will take with us when going on holiday in Portugal

My Burberry waist coat, once a jacket

Work in progress

Back in London and it's chaos in our flat, to say the least. I am surrounded by heaps of dirty washing, clean washing hanging to dry and a huge playpen in the middle of our living room where I keep Sean for the time being (or else he is a danger to himself when crawling around and pulling anything in reach) so I don't have to watch him the whole time in order for me to get on with all stuff that needs doing when back from a holiday.

And to top that up, we also have a builder here with all his equipment. He will be putting spotlights (very low voltage that is baby safe) on our small 6 steps wooden staircase leading up to our bedroom.
Its quite a big job where he have to take it apart in places and with cables and wires and fitting a new switch etc. He says it will take a few days but I know it will be so worth it with lovely blue dimmed lights to our little upstairs love nest. And no doubt will whoever buys the flat from us like it too.

I collected my Burberry jacket (once was, not anymore) where the sleeves have been taken off as I thought I will make more use of it as a waist coat. Here is what it looked like before taking it to the tailor. I am very pleased with the result

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