Thursday 19 November 2009

Definition of love

Imagine this...Bear walks upstairs to the bedroom with a beautiful cup in hand and says, "Darling, would you like a cup of tea?"

And it's not just any old cup of tea that he makes. He knows how to make the perfect cup of tea (and has picked out the prettiest cup, my favourite pink one with pink hearts on it, that always suits my mood). Tea just the way I like. English breakfast tea with just the right amount of milk.

And, on top of that, he emptied the dishwasher and took Sean when he woke up, changed his nappy and gave him his bottle of milk, and have played with him, all during the space of 1 1/2 hours, when I've been snoozing under the weight of my protective duvet!

Thanks, Bear - I love you!


  1. Ahhw! Det later som du hittat ratt man :)

  2. så fint, det är kärlek det. :) ha en skön helg!
