Monday 12 October 2009


I bought this gorgeous (a little big for now) hooded velour track suit in baby blue for Baby Bear


-Took Sean to the walk in clinic and weighed him (nearly 12 kilos!)

-hung out with my brother

- came home 2.30am after a night out with girlfriends in the middle of the week

- went to the bank and opened an account for Sean plus a child fund trust

- watched a movie (“Derailed” with Clive Owen and Jennifer Aniston – scary and surprisingly good)

- ate sushi twice (once in Itsu Hanover Sq with my brother and once with Bear in Yo Sushi, Whiteleys)

- Had coffee and a catch up with a friend and her baby at Costa Coffee, Baker St (great place as they have high chairs and plenty of space for prams)

- Had a bottle of wine to myself on Monday evening

- had “sex on fire” with Kings of Leon on repeat playlist on Spotify

- booked an appointment with my dental hygienist for this week

- started reading the second book in Stieg Larsson’s trilogy called “The girl who played with fire”

- went for a very long walk with Bear and Sean in the sunshine during the weekend

- bought a gorgeous baby blue velour track suit for Sean

- baked chocolate muffins so good Bear “would pay money for them”! J

- took Sean to two playgroups

- visited my pregnant girlfriend (who’s now due on Thursday this week –I really can’t wait!!!)


  1. Men oj vad mycket du hann med på en vecka!!! Lägg ut receptet på muffinsena vet jag, alltid kul att få lite nya ideèr! kram cia

  2. Forlat for sent svar, men jag har forsokt hitta receptet.

    Jag gor namligen sa att jag testar ett nytt recept varje gang jag gor choklad muffins. Och denna gangen, som vanligt googlade jag (pa svenska sidan) och fick upp recept.
    Men anledn jag inte sparade det, var for att det var sa himla onyttigt i jamforelse med andra jag gjort innan (vilket formodligen ocksa forklarar varfor de var sa goda, haha!)Sorry Cia

  3. Hihi, det gör ingenting! Men visst är det så att det som är onyttigt oftast är mycket godare! kram
