Thursday 12 November 2009


Confession is good for the soul ( and at times also good for a laugh or two!). Of course I don’t mean your deepest darkest secrets, more a kind of silly confession.....

1. I am terrified of insects (only small ones, not snakes and bigger animals) and would not enter a room if there is one, and I scream out load if I feel threatened

2. I am quite anal with hygiene and have got a phobia of touching public things i.e. – I always take a tissue and wrap it around the cinnamon/chocolate sprinkler in Starbucks before grabbing it. Don’t even get me started on toilet visits or on public transports (which I by the way try and avoid completely)

3. I am more or less addictive to chewing gum. I go sometimes go through one pack (20 peaces) a day, although I tell myself that is ok as I only chew it for a short while before spitting it out. Pls don’t lecture me, I already know it’s bad for me

4. I am extremely organised mainly with my personal accounting:checking weekly (on the same day) bank statement and balances online on each account that I have, and I would never spend a penny that I don’t have i.e – I have not got ANY credit card (or other for that matter) debts. Should add that I also know by heart all my account numbers

5. I stick out my tongue every time that i really focus and concentrate on doing something difficult

6. My guilty pleasure is sneaky smokes on nights out accompanied by champagne (which I am hoping to eventually give up completely)

7. My first ever crush I had was on Antony Andrews. I was completely and totally obsessed with him when I was a little girl. I first saw him in Ivanhoe (also with Sam Neil) then in The Scarlet Pimpernel (with Jane Seymour).
I was intrigued when it first aired on TV (it was made for TV) and my parents recorded it and I watched it on our VCR over and over and over. I remember writing in my diary about him, wishing that he would come and take me away and marry me!! lol

8. If I have any scabs, I have to peel them off, can’t help myself, and it’s left me with various scars on my body

9. I didn’t start plucking my eyebrows until I was 27(!)

10. I sleep with two duvets, one thin and one thick (which is also the one I share with Bear), and change throughout the night as I get hot/cold

11. I know my National Insurance number by heart (why? Dunno, ridiculous, I know!)

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