Sunday 22 November 2009

the skill of walking

This morning I'm trying to encourage Sean to walk. So far, he can stand by him self, but only if holding on to something, and he can also walks along side our coffee table.

But like my brother Erik said " he will be walking for the rest of his life, so what's the hurry?!" haha. So very true. It had me thinking, when he put it that way. Not sure why us parents want our children to learn to do everything so early??
Walking is actually on of our greatest achievements and it requires strong leg muscles as well as perspective, coordination and a good sense of balance (which Sean don't seem to have as much as babies his age, as he is far taller)

It is now less than one week until his first birthday, and it will be a fun-packed week next week, with his party, and my Mum's arrival :-)


  1. är ändå något speciellt med de första stegen. :) när jag jobbade som barnflicka tog minstingen sina första steg tillsammans med mig. men det vågade jag aldrig berätta för föräldrarna, kändes som att jag berövade dom något viktigt då. :) kram

  2. Han kommer snart ga pa nolltid, och borja springa och gora hyss i lagenheten, sa njut medans du kan ;)


  3. Your brother is a wise man :) All in good time he will walk when he is ready.I cant wait for his first steps to be shown on this lovely blog-whenever that will be. I walked by 9 mnths, my sister was more than 13 mnths. She on the other hand turned out to be a fantastic gymnast and dancer. We are all in different and your brothers words are so true, well said!

  4. AF; ang att du aldrig berattade for foraldrarna: du ar en mycket klok manniska! ;-)

    Veronica: Mkt ratt papekat, jag ska verkligen passa pa att njuta nu ju innan hyssen borjar!

    Caroline: yup, Sean's uncle is indeed very wise. And sometimes you know things yourself, but you have to hear it from someone else for it to become an eye-opener! Promise to inform you and the rest once Sean takes his first steps.

    Have a great start to the week, and thank you for your comments!
