Friday 11 December 2009

Our night away in pics

On Wednesday I was wearing a black dress (meant for New Years but couldn't wait wearing it)
The dress has a zip all along the back which is such a nice feature. Here on our own private (outdoor) terrace attached to our hotel room. (looks warmer than it was!)

Bear in his element, drinking rose Champagne.
In love
Outside the restaurant, Scotts, as you are not allowed to take pics inside. Especially not as Gordon bloody Ramsay happened to sit next to me. Think I was star struck or what??? I love him! LOL


  1. You look fabulous (and so does your handsome man:)). You make a wonderful couple.

  2. Voilken underbar man du verkar ha - quite the catch! :)

  3. Thanks to you both, your comments are a real boost to my confidence (and to Bear's too of course!, to than you again!

