Friday 4 December 2009

Too much details?

Good morning!

I often come across blogs that, in my opinion, are too personal. As much as I may be a little curious to read about other people's supposed stupid boss, latest conquest, kinky drunken night, an evil ex and run in with the police .

It makes me wonder if some people think before they blog? These people are the ones who don’t leave ANY details out. I have a fairly personal blog myself, but am still very selective of how much personal info I decide to share with you, especially since having a child.

Most people I know have or will eventually read my blog. Since having this realisation, I have tried to never write about anything I wouldn't want my friends and loved ones to read. Instead of censoring, I like to call it “sensitivity selecting” ;-)

I suppose the ever growing popularity of social networking sites and blogs have now made it overerly acceptable to be 'too personal', but what I think the uncomfortable part is, are those creepy people who do actually want to find out about you and your online activities (stalker, boss, partner, exes, etc..), and can easily do so using the net.

Well my aim is for Sean one day when he grows up, to read my blog, with gratification and fulfillment, but without embarrassment . I really hope I make you proud, Sean! I love you with all my heart!

In our household this morning; Sean, my number one, lounging in his new Thomas the tank engine chair that I got him

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