Wednesday 20 January 2010

Guess who....

Guess who run the washing machine with empty loads? That explains the high electricity bills! LOL

This little naughty fella, who's very active walking along furniture, walls and crawling everywhere at a million miles an hour - although he just doesn't seem to want to let go and walk without holding on to something.

We are now off to buy a baby walker with hopes that he will pick up the skill of walking unassisted very soon. Updates of his progress to come.


  1. Sååå söt han är!!

    Hoppas allt är bra med er!!!

    Har inte varit i London på 10 år, blir kanske en tripp dit i vår, hoppas!!


  2. ha ha, Pixie keep putting her DVD (with Laban and Labolina) on every morning. sigh!

  3. M; tack snalla! :-) London e underbart pa varen, hoppas du far chansen att komma hit. Behover du tips sa hor av dig innan. Kram

    FM; the joys of parenthood, eh? Haha ;-)
