Tuesday 5 January 2010

Thoughtful Tuesday...

My very good "friend" from Smythson of Bond Street

‘Ello! Although New Year’s resolutions often set people up for disappointment, i kind of love them. Not necessarily start going to the gym 7 days a week, but i love the new year as a time to reflect on and evaluate the year (and in this case i have been reflecting on the decade as well). It makes me think about how i handle situations, how i treat others, how i wake up feeling on a day-to-day basis and how i want to wake up feeling. i am constantly trying to evolve and grow into a better person.

That is part of being spiritual. And one thing I try to do as often as I can is to say affirmations, and to make visualisations, preferably writing them down. I believe it’s important to write your affirmations down. It’s a powerful process to be able to see your goals written out on paper, and that way they stay on your mind and in front of you at all times.

Just as my Bucket List , I would love it if I made these dreams real, but what if i change my mind? All of my goals/dreams are subject to change of course, but the one consistency i want to keep in my life is happiness. all I need in life is to be surrounded by the people i love and to wake up content and hopeful every morning.

Well, its freezing cold in London at the moment, so I’ve decided to stay in for most of the day apart from a couple of errands I need to run this afternoon, and I will now sit down with my very good friend.

Her last name is Smythson. Maybe you’ve heard of her? She is a bright pink five year diary in goatskin (the diary runs from 1 January to 31 December, but is not year specific and I am on my third year now) and part of my every day essentials, and it’s also where I write my daily affirmations and visualisations. Here is the start of one I just starting working on:

I want to live by the seaside in a large detached house with a not so large garden, an electric garage and gates to enter. I will have a dog (German shepherd named Caesar) who only will be allowed on one floor in the house. And sea views are NOT optional, haha!

A must have from at least one window.I wish to decorate the house in a New England style but also with a mixture of vintage, antique items and modern useful things. The children will have a swing which hangs from a tree and on the veranda I would like to have one for us adults too.

I will further work on my baking and cooking skills and will help out at my children’s school with charity etc but will focus on gardening, sewing, reading and walking along the beach and playing with Sean and his siblings and their friends.

The hubby will work from a purpose built home office in the garden but come over to the main house for a delightful healthy meal for lunch. We have two (or max three) very well mannered children and a nice open log fire behind the antique fireguard in the living room with large cosy sofa’s around.

This visualisation is nowhere near finished, but that’s all for now. Oh, and the house below is just so inspirational, my dream house (I have many though, haha). Bye for now XOXO


  1. Vilket underbart drömhus!! O jag vill också ha en rosa dagbok :)

    Hoppas allt är bra med dig o din fina familj! Jag har bytt tillbaka till blogspot igen, blogg.se är kasst :) Kram!

  2. what an amazing house, and yes, it will be yours.

    I am writing a Bucket List too. It will hopefully feature on my blog soon.

  3. AF; Dromhus ar precis vad jag kallar det! Och visst maste man fa dromma? :-)
    Jassa? och jag som trodde blogger e samst.
    Ska halsa pa dig hos blogspot omedelbart da, och hoppas det gar battre for dig dar an for mig.
    ;-) KRAM!

    FM; I look forward to reading yours when it's done! :-)

  4. Me thinks you may have to move to America to achieve this New England esq dream...

  5. G; Well, never rule out anything!

  6. Later helt underbart! Jag har manga nya tankar i huvudet efter det gagna aret som jag haller pa att fa grepp om.

    God fortsattning pa 2010! det kommer garanterat bli ett ljuvligt ar!


  7. V: Gott nytt ar till dig ocksa! Ja , nytt ar, nya tankar. Ser fram emot ett fantastiskt ar! :-)

