Sunday 28 February 2010

15 month update

Ok, so I haven’t done an update here for a few days, but I tell you – apart from spending all day chasing Sean which leaves me with hardly any time to sit down, as around this age, adult supervision is the utmost importance. And, I have one other major problem, my laptop!

I had it sent back to me with the message that nothing can be fixed (or recovered so I’ve lost everything on it) because the hard drive is broken. So I’ve kind of been wallowing in self pity and I am currently using an old laptop which has none of my favourites on it and it shut down every so often because of over-heating.

Anyway, on to more positive thoughts, it's hard to believe Master Sean is now 15 months (yesterday)! When we went to the A & E a couple of week ago, he weighed 12 kilos. And he has now got 8 adorable little teeth. He is still not walking(!) – that’s not to say he is not moving around fast!

He points at objects and says “Ba”(for ball) and when I ask him in Swedish “where is Mummy’s nose” he will correctly point at my nose. He also says “mamma” or more like “mamamamama”. But I can tell that he is understanding so much more of what I say and to watch his language comprehension skyrocket is fascinating.

Sean also loves music now. Whenever he hears it, from the radio, toy, tv or even a mobile phone – he will start to dance and sometimes clap. He also goes nuts, like almost in a fit, of excitement, when he hears police sirens outside our window – it’s hilarious to watch.

As for his vaccinations, Bear took him on Thursday for his latest ones; MMR (measles, mumps and rubella), Hib, Meningitis C and pnumococcal infection protection. Next ones are thankfully not due until he is 3 ½.

One not-so-great milestone is some whining and tantrums which I am really trying to ignore. He is such an actor and pull faces trying to make me feel sorry for him. And pram – trips or any trips to the restaurant can be a nightmare as he does not like to be in his harness or sit still so the only way is to take lots of different snacks and toys to keep him entertained.

The sleeping is going fine. He now sleeps all night in his cot from the time we put him down,
7pm until 6.30am. Sometimes after finishing his morning milk bottle (210 ml, same amount in the evening too) he goes back to sleep.

Well, all in all though, Sean makes me smile and laugh out loud a million times a day, and my love for him is immeasurable. I’m so proud to be his Mum!

All showered, dressed and ready to go out for a nice lunch or so this Sunday - but it doesn't look as if we will be going anywhere as it's pouring down with rain in central London today

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