Saturday 6 February 2010

tips on how to start your spiritual journey

Good morning! I had a question from one of my readers re spirituality and if I could recommend some sites/books for those looking to develop their own spirituality and explore the power of thought and just in general about body, mind and soul.

For many years I had heard from others about the concept of spirituality, and knew quite a lot about it - but it just didn’t flow for me. I wasn’t ready. I believe it’s discovered mainly through self exploration in combination with a teacher/mentor. And as they say “when the student is ready, the teacher will appear” – and that is exactly what happened to me when I met Bear, who gratefully is spiritual and has taught me a lot.

For me, there is no real definition of spirituality as it means different things for different people, but what I do know is that it controls our purpose, driving force, relationships and well being (and I suppose all other areas of our lives). Basically, if I was asked to describe a highly spiritual person, he/she would be HUMBLE, HONEST, COURAGEOUS, KIND and have INTEGRITY.

Here are 10 books (that either Bear or I have read) to start your spiritual journey:

1. The secret – Rhonda Byrne

2. The monk who sold his Ferrari – robin Sharma

3. Awaken the giant within – Anthony Robbins

4. The Tibetan book of living and dying - sogyal rinpoche

5. Heal your life - Louise Hay

6. The Invitation – Oriah Mountain Dreamer

7. Feel the fear and do it anyway – Susan Jeffers (which we btw have on cd that we uploaded on the ipods, and it’s great for when ur too tired to read)

8. The four agreements - don Ruiz

9. Ask and it is given – Esther hicks

10. Loving What Is - Byron Katie

PS Veronica – thank you for trusting me to advise you


  1. Jag beväpnade mig själv med en stor kopp te och satte mig framför datorn och gick in här direkt. Tack så jätte mycket för att du tog dig tiden att skriva ner de här böckerna, jag uppskattar verkligen det och har sparat listan på min dator nu. Jag komemr verkligen behöva all vägledning jag kan få under den tid som ligger framför mig nu, men jag känner i magen att det jag gjorde i torsdags, det var det enda rätta. Jag hoppas du får en underbar helg med dina vackra pojkar. Stor kram!

  2. Var med och tävla om Spotify invites på min blogg! :)Kram /Veronique

  3. Have you read Anatomy of the Spirit by Carline Myss.

    I recommend it!

  4. Veronica; Anytime! ;-) Jag vagleder dig sa garna. Hoppas du kommer igang. Ibland kan det vara lite trogt. Att gora det du kanner i magen ar att folja sin intuition och det ar helt ratt! Hoppas helgen varit bra. Kram kram!

    Veronique; jag ska kika in hos dig och din tavling.

    I haven't read that book, however I know very well of Caroline Myss. Thanks for the tip!

  5. Jag skulle bara vilja skicka en kram till dig for att du e sa underbar. Jag alskar alla sana har tankar, aven om jag inte laser om det eller "practice" det sa ofta som jag skulle vilja... Tankarna finns anda alltid dar i bakhuvudet hos mig. Kram till er.

  6. LM, tack din raring! Jag mottager kramen med stor oppen famn och skickar genast tillbaks en till dig. xx

  7. Kan jag få rekommendera Power Through Constructive Thinking av Emmet Fox? Hjälpt mig massor.
