Monday 1 March 2010

When an opportunity arise

In Selfridges Department store with a sleeping baba (exhausted from the play date) noticing that Yo Sushi is near enough empty with plenty pram space, a mummy has to make the most of this fantastic opportunity that has presented itself.

Now indulging a mouthwatering Wagyu beef with a peaceful baby next to me and bright sunshine outside.

This is as near 2 heaven a mum can experience on an unplanned Monday afternoon :-)

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  1. There's nothing better than a sleeping baba and lunch. Did you have a glass of wine too? That's my dream date, sushi, white wine and sleeping baba. Ha ha.

  2. FM; My dream date too LOL. No wine although only for the reason that I had a bit too much of that the night before, haha!
