Thursday 15 April 2010

Brave Britney

I take my hat of to Brit for bravery

Britney Spears has done what other celebrities don't dare to. She has bravely allowed Candie's to realease the unaltered version of her latest shoot for their label.

Oh my, I was so pleased when I saw the non digitally altered pictures. She's human after all LOL. No doubt will this exert of a lot of pressure girl and women to look perfect.

Personally I think the ads are great, but she looks fab in the "before" shots too. For a mother of two, she has got an envious body, and I wish I will look like her once I've given Sean a sibling, that's for sure!


  1. CarolineEiLondon16 April 2010 at 11:01

    I think she looks fab! How did the nursery visit go? Have been smiling all morning, watching lil Sean head banging. What a treasure. Hope the whole family will have a fab weekend!

  2. FM; indeed she does! :-)

    Caroline: Glad to hear Sean have had you smiling :D
    I even cry from laughter sometimes when he does just that with his head as music comes on. Hilarious!

    Nursery visit was a bit disappointing as I had big expectations. Have realised it's a whole lot more expensive than in Sweden and a lot less nice.

    Thinking I might set my standards lower because at the end of the day, a dark room for sleeping or outdoor space wont matter so much as I will only every put him there part time.

    Hope you are enjoying the weekend too, what's left of it x
