Saturday 17 April 2010

Second bottle of bubbly later and we're still here...

Time to go home perhaps? And b responsible parents? The sensational 20 odd degrees made me go to toilet and put on the white floaty dress with lace on and big bat wings, that I bought on our way here at our local market, for £15. Worth it, don't u think? I love it, and I love a bargain! :-) Cheers!

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  1. I love your style, I have done the exact same thing.

    Hope you enjoyed the sun!

  2. FM; Thank you! Good to hear encouragement from a fellow mum :D

  3. Nya klanningen ser stylish ut. Och sjalvklart tycker jag ni ska unna er tid i solen med bubbel, det mar man bra av! Man skall njuta nar man kan! sarksilt i London dar solsken ar sa sparsamt!
