Thursday 13 May 2010

Mind the mop!

As you can see, me and Alma are getting on just fine lol - Love her to bits, haha! Do excuse my head of hair that resembles a mop! Must stop buying handbags and invest in a good hairbrush instead ;-)

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  1. Hej! Jag hittade hit för några veckor sedan och gillar din blogg o ditt härliga hemma/mammaliv i London. Lovely! I wish I could live it like that. :) Ha en bra helg! /Johanna

  2. Johanna; forst ch framst, tack for att du lamnar en kommentar. Jag blir glad av kommentarer! :-)
    Gulliga du som sager det, hoppas inspirera lite ju. Trevlig helg till dig, kram,Catharina

  3. Lydia, thank you v much indeed :-) Will pop in there later and have a peak. wishing you a happy weekend!
