Friday 7 May 2010


Me and my little man earlier

At 17 months, Sean is now able to take off his top by himself, he has started using his favourite words “oh, no” with a vengeance now, and he has switched from two daytime sleeps to one (*sigh*).

He is a picky eater, which apparently is very common around this age, so I don’t waste my time preparing complicated meals only to have my efforts rejected.
He loves his big blue ball, and he know’s the difference when I tell him to throw it or kick it. He also loves to dance if i play music, and he will push and turn buttons and knobs if they're in reach.

His favourite stuffed teddy bear is a great source of comfort when it’s bedtime, and he knows it as “Nalle” (teddy bear in Swedish).

He is always on the go causing trouble, and no sooner do I sit down than he's out of sight and I have to jump up to find out what he's gotten into.

And right now, he is doing my head in, because we haven’t yet been out today (as I had my friend Anna here with her baby, who’s a similar age to Sean, and I had my hairdresser here for my regular indulgence, a professional blowdry), so we are now getting ready to get out and get rid of some of that energy and tire my little man out. lol

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