Monday 26 July 2010

Dad's visit in pics

Bench buddies
How do you like me in my new Chelsea FC outfit from Granddad and uncle Henrik?

Fascinating fountain

Concentrating -"One step in front of the other, Sean!"

"You can let go of me now, Granddad!"

After swimming at our country club, Stoke Park, it's lounging time by the sun chairs.

Guilty as charged!

"Catch me if you can!"

Travelling in style

Laughter over dinner

"No, look this way, Mum! I'm doing 'Peek-a-Boo' with you!"

At the London Zoo in Regents Park

Out of all the animals there, I found the giraffes most fascinating. So tall, so overwhelming, so unreal in a sense.

Sean was taught the importance of holding hands at the Zoo by his uncle

At the ever so idyllic Rose Garden

"is it good here Dad, or shall we move the the left a bit?"

Sean allows me to let out the child in me

Sibling stroll

Waiting impatiently for the food to arrive

Sean with his portable DVD player that came in handy that evening

The three (stripey!) musketeers :-)

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