Thursday 8 July 2010

An extract

Me and my little man this evening as we returned back from nursery

Here is an extract from Sean's little book that his keyworker at nursery writes in every day to keep us updated with his progress:

Thursday 8th July:

2.45pm - Sean arrived when group outside

2.50pm - Mum left
Sean listened to a few songs with Amy and Julia before returning to play with the cars.

3.30pm - Snack time - Sean wasn't happy to be sat down. Refused bran muffin. Calmed down when given ball to play with.

4.15 - Sean played peek a boo on the train, kicked balls around and knocked down towers

5.00pm - Mum collected Sean


  1. hi..first time coming by.. nice to meet "your blog." have a great weekend!


  2. Ah, han har bestamda asikter lilla Sean;) Det ar bra! Jag svarade pa min blogg men vet inte om du far det svaret, jag slutar 5 pa tisdag sa kommer jatte garna:) Vi ses da. kram
