Friday 3 September 2010

On a leash!

Today Sean didn't want to get in to the pram for our Starbucks trip, so we left it at home

This little toddler backpack (with a harness) is a life saver sometime, literally! As Sean is getting close to the "terrible twos" and throwing tantrums left, right and centre, this is the only way to be walking with him on the busy streets of central London.

Its in the shape of a stuffed animal character and its got shoulder straps and a waist strap with a leash that attaches to the back, but can be removed for use solely as a backpack. Well it just keeps him nearby and stops him from entering dangerous areas, and I can recommend it (buy it here) to any parent who lives in a big city.

He was very well behaved sitting down whilst I had my cappuccino, but I wouldn't risk him running out in the traffic on our way there and back, hence the baby backback with the handy reins attached

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